
valoon's picture


Member for
7 years 4 months


Negima!A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi (Between a Rock and a Hard Place)August 27, 2017
Negima!Fama volat (Rumor Flies)August 27, 2017
Negima!Nullus locus est instar domus (No Place Is Like Home)August 27, 2017
Negima!Amantes, amentes (Lovers, Lunatics)August 27, 2017
Negima!Omne initium est difficile (Every Beginning Is Difficult)August 27, 2017
Negima!Asinus in cathedra (The Blockhead in the Professor`s Chair)August 27, 2017
Negima!August 27, 2017
TsugumomoPartnerApril 30, 2017
TsugumomoDuelApril 30, 2017
TsugumomoNaked in the FutonApril 30, 2017
TsugumomoLetterApril 30, 2017
TsugumomoA Certain Day in the Kagami Household / The Super Popular FragranceApril 18, 2017
TsugumomoKanayama-sanApril 18, 2017
TsugumomoMemories and Childhood FriendsApril 18, 2017
TsugumomoTrainingApril 18, 2017
TsugumomoTrials of the Local GodApril 18, 2017
TsugumomoKukuri-himeApril 18, 2017
Attack on Titan: Junior HighApril 17, 2017
CharlotteApril 17, 2017
TsugumomoThe Library and the Childhood FriendApril 9, 2017



Negima!Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur (A Reliable Friend Is Perceived in an Uncertain Situation)August 27, 2017
Negima!Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore (I Hope the Memory of Our Friendship Will Be Eternal)August 27, 2017
Negima!Tamdiu discendum est, quamdiu vivas (We Live and Learn)August 27, 2017
Negima!Aut disce aut discede (Either Learn or Leave)August 27, 2017
Negima!Cum tacent clamant (When They Are Silent, They Are Shouting)August 27, 2017
Negima!Ubi concordia, ibi victoria (Where There Is Harmony, There Is Victory)August 27, 2017
Negima!Te capiam, cunicule sceleste! (I`ll Get You, Wascally Wabbit!)August 27, 2017
Negima!Omnes una manet nox (One Night Befalls All of Us)August 27, 2017
Negima!Fallaces sunt rerum species (The Appearances of Things Are Deceptive)August 27, 2017
Negima!A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi (Between a Rock and a Hard Place)August 27, 2017
Negima!Fama volat (Rumor Flies)August 27, 2017
Negima!Nullus locus est instar domus (No Place Is Like Home)August 27, 2017
Negima!Amantes, amentes (Lovers, Lunatics)August 27, 2017
Negima!Omne initium est difficile (Every Beginning Is Difficult)August 27, 2017
Negima!Asinus in cathedra (The Blockhead in the Professor`s Chair)August 27, 2017
Negima!August 27, 2017
TsugumomoPartnerJune 11, 2017
TsugumomoDuelJune 11, 2017
TsugumomoDuelJune 7, 2017
TsugumomoNaked in the FutonJune 7, 2017
